Ah, the timeless debate of whether to choose photochromic lenses vs. polarized lenses – for your sunglasses - it's a head-scratcher for sure. It's tricky to make an outright decision between the two because each type of lens brings unique benefits to the table that can make it the superior choice in different circumstances.
Both lenses are great at doing what they do and both can be “the best” depending on the situation and occasion. So, as you can see, the answer as to which sunglass lenses are the best isn’t a simple answer.
So, in a nutshell, there's no cut-and-dry answer to which lens is the winner - but fear not because we're going to get to the bottom of it today in the following sections.
What are Polarized Lenses?

When choosing the perfect pair of lenses for your eyewear, it's important to understand the benefits of polarization.
Polarized lenses are eyewear designed to reduce the effect of glares. So, instead of simply blocking out the harmful UV rays, polarized sunglasses also block out reflections that come from rain, snow, water, etc.
They are perfect for outdoor activities such as fishing, skiing or driving.
Now, let's see what the benefits of polarized lenses are.
Benefits of Polarized Lenses
Your vision instantly improves as soon as you start blocking out glares and reflections. You get to see more and more clearly. Think about when you’re out on the water in just regular sunglasses; you can see the surface of the water, but you can’t see into it. Polarized sunglasses eliminate the glare reflecting off the water’s surface, allowing you to see the true beauty of what’s underneath.
However, that’s not the only situation where polarized lenses are beneficial.
Polarized sunglasses are ideal when driving in the rain, skiing down the slopes, hiking up glaciers—anywhere with glare. Since they increase your vision, you also get a safety bonus.
So, thanks to polarized lenses you get clear vision even under bright sunlight. They reduce eye strain, and can also improve your depth perception, making it easier to judge distances and spot potential hazards on the go.

What are Photochromic Lenses?
Photochromic lenses are a little more complicated to explain because the technology is more complex. However, to sum it up, photochromic lenses automatically adjust (and constantly re-adjust) to the level of the UV light surrounding you. As such, they’re ideal for situations where the light constantly changes or for anyone who doesn’t want to constantly switch out their lenses. Here a video that explain the situation. Click here
Benefits of Photochromic Lenses
The benefits of photochromic lenses are obvious : these lenses automatically adjust their tint to suit the light conditions, giving you the freedom to enjoy whatever activities you love. Plus, they’re perfect for outdoor enthusiasts who need adaptable eyewear that works with them throughout the day.
When you have sunglasses or any type of photochromic eyewear, you instantly relish the power of convenience. You never have to switch up your eyewear simply because the clouds rolled over or the sun decided to shine because the tint automatically adjusts.
As such, photochromic lenses are also beneficial for a variety of situations. If you’re skiing the slopes or hiking up glaciers, the weather can change throughout the day. Since no one brings different pairs of snow goggles to the mountain, you’re stuck if the day gets darker or sunnier… Unless you have photochromic lenses.
Don’t let the weather hold you back—get your hands on photochromic lenses today and enjoy your activities freely!
Summary of the Differences
As a short crash course on polarized lenses vs. photochromic lenses, polarized lenses block out the reflection, photochromic lenses automatically adjust the level of tint to suit the level of light you’re in. However, both types of lenses are highly beneficial and can be used in various situations from everyday wear to sporting events, on mountains, in lakes, you name it.
It all comes down to what you want to receive from your eyewear. If you use your sunglasses for a specific event or hobby, such as running marathons, skiing, or fishing, you may find that one type of lens will benefit you more. For example, reducing glares will be a huge benefit when skiing or fishing. In contrast, photochromic lenses are a better option for everyday wear, driving, participating in sports, running long marathons, etc.
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