Matis Boyer, Ambassador new: ROCHESTER: I LEARN IT, THE HARD WAY

Matis Boyer, Ambassador new: ROCHESTER: I LEARN IT, THE HARD WAY

A quick look back at my trip to Rochester, New York! Me and my good friend and mechanic Antoine Gosselin left on Thursday, September 5, feverishly existed and cringe, towards Rochester to compete in the UCI C1 and C2 cyclocross races of the weekend.  We had only one goal: to come back from our trip with at least 1 UCI point in our pocket. This is not what is so rare for us Canada's young riders are of paramount importance to our world ranking and to our positioning on the starting line for the Canadian championship in November in Peterborough.  Arriving late Thursday afternoon, we took the time to settle down and enjoy our last moments of respite before the crazy weekend we had before us by going to visit the city summarily. The next day we went to install our this up on the race site. After mounting the material, I was walking the route to analyze it from top to bottom, later I went to do a small activation. So, we were ready and confident for the weekend ahead.

Saturday, September 7: I wake up with heavy legs and being tired, despite everything I remain confident! We go to the race and after a few laps and my warm-up I am ready for my start at 11.50am. After a good start from the third row I go up and I am in the points position that gives UCI points but following a fall, a seat break and several tactics I finally finish 14 with no points Uci ...

Sunday, September 8th: I wake up with a good feeling and a very good leg! Back at the course I do a few laps and this time I make the right choice of hoses. So, I show up on the starting line with a certain serenity and ready to score my first UCI points.  The start is given at 11:50 typing, I completely miss my start, but I pulled myself together right away and I make a masterful first lap to go up and position myself about 10 places.  But a U-turn later my derail ends up in my rear wheel and I have to give up my race..

Following this sad end of the race we quickly pick up our equipment and head to Saint-Hyacinthe with The Cowboys Fringants who play at the top of our lungs and good coffee to keep us awake. After a short stop to put gas we finally arrive home around 7 p.m.

The next morning is now the time to understand what broke on the bikes.  After an analysis of the situation I realize that the break age is entirely due to an error made by me and Antoine.   In summary Saturday my seat unscrews what is our fault because we should have been more vigilant even if this type of screw never unscrews and I should have trusted myself rather than listen to others for my choice of hoses because I would have saved a lot of time. Sunday's break is due to a mechanical error that we made, and it was that ended my race.

Of course, I'm disappointed but in life there are not 50 ways to learn, there is one and it's learning the hard way!

I'm going to learn from these mistakes and come back stronger!

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